
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

v0.6.0, the next minor release, will have theme colors on your profile pages. Powered by Pico CSS, see the list of all available colors in the Colors section from their docs.

Want to give it a try in advance? Try v0.6.0-dev.397, an unstable release, at your own risk.

The profile page of @botkit@hollo.social with a lime color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a lime color.
The profile page of @fedify@hollo.social with a blue color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a blue color.
The profile page of @hollo@hollo.social with a slate color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a slate color.
The profile page of @hongminhee@hollo.social with an amber color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with an amber color.
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

v0.6.0, the next minor release, will have theme colors on your profile pages. Powered by Pico CSS, see the list of all available colors in the Colors section from their docs.

Want to give it a try in advance? Try v0.6.0-dev.397, an unstable release, at your own risk.

The profile page of @botkit@hollo.social with a lime color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a lime color.
The profile page of @fedify@hollo.social with a blue color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a blue color.
The profile page of @hollo@hollo.social with a slate color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a slate color.
The profile page of @hongminhee@hollo.social with an amber color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with an amber color.
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

v0.6.0, the next minor release, will have theme colors on your profile pages. Powered by Pico CSS, see the list of all available colors in the Colors section from their docs.

Want to give it a try in advance? Try v0.6.0-dev.397, an unstable release, at your own risk.

The profile page of @botkit@hollo.social with a lime color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a lime color.
The profile page of @fedify@hollo.social with a blue color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a blue color.
The profile page of @hollo@hollo.social with a slate color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a slate color.
The profile page of @hongminhee@hollo.social with an amber color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with an amber color.
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

v0.6.0, the next minor release, will have theme colors on your profile pages. Powered by Pico CSS, see the list of all available colors in the Colors section from their docs.

Want to give it a try in advance? Try v0.6.0-dev.397, an unstable release, at your own risk.

The profile page of @botkit@hollo.social with a lime color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a lime color.
The profile page of @fedify@hollo.social with a blue color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a blue color.
The profile page of @hollo@hollo.social with a slate color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a slate color.
The profile page of @hongminhee@hollo.social with an amber color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with an amber color.
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

v0.6.0, the next minor release, will have theme colors on your profile pages. Powered by Pico CSS, see the list of all available colors in the Colors section from their docs.

Want to give it a try in advance? Try v0.6.0-dev.397, an unstable release, at your own risk.

The profile page of @botkit@hollo.social with a lime color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a lime color.
The profile page of @fedify@hollo.social with a blue color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a blue color.
The profile page of @hollo@hollo.social with a slate color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with a slate color.
The profile page of @hongminhee@hollo.social with an amber color.
ALT text detailsThe profile page of @[email protected] with an amber color.
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

Just released 0.5.2 (ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.5.2) and 0.4.8 (ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.4.8), which fix several minor bugs! (Thanks for @ntek's bug reports.)

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

Just released 0.5.2 (ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.5.2) and 0.4.8 (ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.4.8), which fix several minor bugs! (Thanks for @ntek's bug reports.)

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

Just released 0.5.2 (ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.5.2) and 0.4.8 (ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.4.8), which fix several minor bugs! (Thanks for @ntek's bug reports.)

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

Just released 0.5.2 (ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.5.2) and 0.4.8 (ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.4.8), which fix several minor bugs! (Thanks for @ntek's bug reports.)

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

Just released 0.5.2 (ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.5.2) and 0.4.8 (ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.4.8), which fix several minor bugs! (Thanks for @ntek's bug reports.)

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

みなさん、こんにちは! :hollo:



最近、プロジェクトの持続可能な発展のため、Open Collective (@opencollective )を通じて一定額以上を定期的にご支援いただいている方々向けに、ホスティングサービスの提供を検討しています。



  1. 良いアイデアです!ホスティングサービスを利用したいです。
  2. いいですね!私はセルフホスティングを続けますが、応援しています。
  3. 他の方法でサポートを増やすのが良いと思います。
  4. 現状通り純粋なセルフホスティングのままが良いです。

💭 追加のご意見やご提案がございましたら、コメントでお寄せください!


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

everyone! :hollo:

We'd like to hear your thoughts on something we've been considering.

As you know, Hollo has always been focused on self-hosting—this won't change, and our source code will continue to be available under the AGPLv3 license.

We're exploring ways to make the project more sustainable, and we're considering offering a hosting service for those who regularly support us with a certain amount through @opencollective.

This would be an additional option for those who want to use Hollo without managing the technical aspects themselves. Of course, you'll still be able to self-host just like you do now.

What are your thoughts on this idea? Please vote below! 📊

💭 Have additional thoughts or suggestions? Feel free to share them in the comments!

1️⃣ Great idea! I'd be interested in supporting and using the hosted service.25 (44%)
2️⃣ Sounds good! I'll stick to self-hosting but support the initiative.29 (51%)
3️⃣ I think we should explore other ways to increase support.2 (4%)
4️⃣ I prefer Hollo to remain purely self-hosted.1 (2%)
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

안녕하세요! :hollo:

Hollo의 새로운 계획에 대해 여러분의 의견을 듣고자 합니다.

지금까지 Hollo는 셀프 호스팅을 기본 원칙으로 삼아왔습니다. 이는 앞으로도 변함없이 유지될 것이며, 소스 코드는 계속해서 AGPLv3 라이선스로 공개됩니다.

최근 저희는 프로젝트의 지속 가능한 발전을 위해, Open Collective(@opencollective)를 통해 일정 금액 이상을 정기적으로 후원해 주시는 분들을 위한 호스팅 서비스 제공을 검토하고 있습니다.

이는 기술적인 부분에 신경 쓰지 않고도 Hollo를 이용하고 싶으신 분들을 위한 추가 옵션이 될 것입니다. 물론 지금처럼 직접 설치하고 운영하시는 것도 계속 가능합니다.

아래 인용된 영어 게시물의 투표에 참여해 주시면 감사하겠습니다! 📊

  1. 좋은 생각입니다! 호스팅 서비스를 이용하고 싶어요.
  2. 괜찮네요! 전 셀프 호스팅을 계속하지만 응원합니다.
  3. 다른 방식으로 후원을 늘리는 게 좋겠어요.
  4. 현재처럼 순수 셀프 호스팅으로 남았으면 좋겠어요.

💭 추가 의견이나 제안이 있으시다면 댓글로 남겨주세요!


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

everyone! :hollo:

We'd like to hear your thoughts on something we've been considering.

As you know, Hollo has always been focused on self-hosting—this won't change, and our source code will continue to be available under the AGPLv3 license.

We're exploring ways to make the project more sustainable, and we're considering offering a hosting service for those who regularly support us with a certain amount through @opencollective.

This would be an additional option for those who want to use Hollo without managing the technical aspects themselves. Of course, you'll still be able to self-host just like you do now.

What are your thoughts on this idea? Please vote below! 📊

💭 Have additional thoughts or suggestions? Feel free to share them in the comments!

1️⃣ Great idea! I'd be interested in supporting and using the hosted service.25 (44%)
2️⃣ Sounds good! I'll stick to self-hosting but support the initiative.29 (51%)
3️⃣ I think we should explore other ways to increase support.2 (4%)
4️⃣ I prefer Hollo to remain purely self-hosted.1 (2%)
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

everyone! :hollo:

We'd like to hear your thoughts on something we've been considering.

As you know, Hollo has always been focused on self-hosting—this won't change, and our source code will continue to be available under the AGPLv3 license.

We're exploring ways to make the project more sustainable, and we're considering offering a hosting service for those who regularly support us with a certain amount through @opencollective.

This would be an additional option for those who want to use Hollo without managing the technical aspects themselves. Of course, you'll still be able to self-host just like you do now.

What are your thoughts on this idea? Please vote below! 📊

💭 Have additional thoughts or suggestions? Feel free to share them in the comments!

1️⃣ Great idea! I'd be interested in supporting and using the hosted service.25 (44%)
2️⃣ Sounds good! I'll stick to self-hosting but support the initiative.29 (51%)
3️⃣ I think we should explore other ways to increase support.2 (4%)
4️⃣ I prefer Hollo to remain purely self-hosted.1 (2%)
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

everyone! :hollo:

We'd like to hear your thoughts on something we've been considering.

As you know, Hollo has always been focused on self-hosting—this won't change, and our source code will continue to be available under the AGPLv3 license.

We're exploring ways to make the project more sustainable, and we're considering offering a hosting service for those who regularly support us with a certain amount through @opencollective.

This would be an additional option for those who want to use Hollo without managing the technical aspects themselves. Of course, you'll still be able to self-host just like you do now.

What are your thoughts on this idea? Please vote below! 📊

💭 Have additional thoughts or suggestions? Feel free to share them in the comments!

1️⃣ Great idea! I'd be interested in supporting and using the hosted service.25 (44%)
2️⃣ Sounds good! I'll stick to self-hosting but support the initiative.29 (51%)
3️⃣ I think we should explore other ways to increase support.2 (4%)
4️⃣ I prefer Hollo to remain purely self-hosted.1 (2%)
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

everyone! :hollo:

We'd like to hear your thoughts on something we've been considering.

As you know, Hollo has always been focused on self-hosting—this won't change, and our source code will continue to be available under the AGPLv3 license.

We're exploring ways to make the project more sustainable, and we're considering offering a hosting service for those who regularly support us with a certain amount through @opencollective.

This would be an additional option for those who want to use Hollo without managing the technical aspects themselves. Of course, you'll still be able to self-host just like you do now.

What are your thoughts on this idea? Please vote below! 📊

💭 Have additional thoughts or suggestions? Feel free to share them in the comments!

1️⃣ Great idea! I'd be interested in supporting and using the hosted service.25 (44%)
2️⃣ Sounds good! I'll stick to self-hosting but support the initiative.29 (51%)
3️⃣ I think we should explore other ways to increase support.2 (4%)
4️⃣ I prefer Hollo to remain purely self-hosted.1 (2%)
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

みなさん、こんにちは! :hollo:



最近、プロジェクトの持続可能な発展のため、Open Collective (@opencollective )を通じて一定額以上を定期的にご支援いただいている方々向けに、ホスティングサービスの提供を検討しています。



  1. 良いアイデアです!ホスティングサービスを利用したいです。
  2. いいですね!私はセルフホスティングを続けますが、応援しています。
  3. 他の方法でサポートを増やすのが良いと思います。
  4. 現状通り純粋なセルフホスティングのままが良いです。

💭 追加のご意見やご提案がございましたら、コメントでお寄せください!


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

everyone! :hollo:

We'd like to hear your thoughts on something we've been considering.

As you know, Hollo has always been focused on self-hosting—this won't change, and our source code will continue to be available under the AGPLv3 license.

We're exploring ways to make the project more sustainable, and we're considering offering a hosting service for those who regularly support us with a certain amount through @opencollective.

This would be an additional option for those who want to use Hollo without managing the technical aspects themselves. Of course, you'll still be able to self-host just like you do now.

What are your thoughts on this idea? Please vote below! 📊

💭 Have additional thoughts or suggestions? Feel free to share them in the comments!

1️⃣ Great idea! I'd be interested in supporting and using the hosted service.25 (44%)
2️⃣ Sounds good! I'll stick to self-hosting but support the initiative.29 (51%)
3️⃣ I think we should explore other ways to increase support.2 (4%)
4️⃣ I prefer Hollo to remain purely self-hosted.1 (2%)
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

みなさん、こんにちは! :hollo:



最近、プロジェクトの持続可能な発展のため、Open Collective (@opencollective )を通じて一定額以上を定期的にご支援いただいている方々向けに、ホスティングサービスの提供を検討しています。



  1. 良いアイデアです!ホスティングサービスを利用したいです。
  2. いいですね!私はセルフホスティングを続けますが、応援しています。
  3. 他の方法でサポートを増やすのが良いと思います。
  4. 現状通り純粋なセルフホスティングのままが良いです。

💭 追加のご意見やご提案がございましたら、コメントでお寄せください!


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

everyone! :hollo:

We'd like to hear your thoughts on something we've been considering.

As you know, Hollo has always been focused on self-hosting—this won't change, and our source code will continue to be available under the AGPLv3 license.

We're exploring ways to make the project more sustainable, and we're considering offering a hosting service for those who regularly support us with a certain amount through @opencollective.

This would be an additional option for those who want to use Hollo without managing the technical aspects themselves. Of course, you'll still be able to self-host just like you do now.

What are your thoughts on this idea? Please vote below! 📊

💭 Have additional thoughts or suggestions? Feel free to share them in the comments!

1️⃣ Great idea! I'd be interested in supporting and using the hosted service.25 (44%)
2️⃣ Sounds good! I'll stick to self-hosting but support the initiative.29 (51%)
3️⃣ I think we should explore other ways to increase support.2 (4%)
4️⃣ I prefer Hollo to remain purely self-hosted.1 (2%)
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

안녕하세요! :hollo:

Hollo의 새로운 계획에 대해 여러분의 의견을 듣고자 합니다.

지금까지 Hollo는 셀프 호스팅을 기본 원칙으로 삼아왔습니다. 이는 앞으로도 변함없이 유지될 것이며, 소스 코드는 계속해서 AGPLv3 라이선스로 공개됩니다.

최근 저희는 프로젝트의 지속 가능한 발전을 위해, Open Collective(@opencollective)를 통해 일정 금액 이상을 정기적으로 후원해 주시는 분들을 위한 호스팅 서비스 제공을 검토하고 있습니다.

이는 기술적인 부분에 신경 쓰지 않고도 Hollo를 이용하고 싶으신 분들을 위한 추가 옵션이 될 것입니다. 물론 지금처럼 직접 설치하고 운영하시는 것도 계속 가능합니다.

아래 인용된 영어 게시물의 투표에 참여해 주시면 감사하겠습니다! 📊

  1. 좋은 생각입니다! 호스팅 서비스를 이용하고 싶어요.
  2. 괜찮네요! 전 셀프 호스팅을 계속하지만 응원합니다.
  3. 다른 방식으로 후원을 늘리는 게 좋겠어요.
  4. 현재처럼 순수 셀프 호스팅으로 남았으면 좋겠어요.

💭 추가 의견이나 제안이 있으시다면 댓글로 남겨주세요!


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

everyone! :hollo:

We'd like to hear your thoughts on something we've been considering.

As you know, Hollo has always been focused on self-hosting—this won't change, and our source code will continue to be available under the AGPLv3 license.

We're exploring ways to make the project more sustainable, and we're considering offering a hosting service for those who regularly support us with a certain amount through @opencollective.

This would be an additional option for those who want to use Hollo without managing the technical aspects themselves. Of course, you'll still be able to self-host just like you do now.

What are your thoughts on this idea? Please vote below! 📊

💭 Have additional thoughts or suggestions? Feel free to share them in the comments!

1️⃣ Great idea! I'd be interested in supporting and using the hosted service.25 (44%)
2️⃣ Sounds good! I'll stick to self-hosting but support the initiative.29 (51%)
3️⃣ I think we should explore other ways to increase support.2 (4%)
4️⃣ I prefer Hollo to remain purely self-hosted.1 (2%)
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

everyone! :hollo:

We'd like to hear your thoughts on something we've been considering.

As you know, Hollo has always been focused on self-hosting—this won't change, and our source code will continue to be available under the AGPLv3 license.

We're exploring ways to make the project more sustainable, and we're considering offering a hosting service for those who regularly support us with a certain amount through @opencollective.

This would be an additional option for those who want to use Hollo without managing the technical aspects themselves. Of course, you'll still be able to self-host just like you do now.

What are your thoughts on this idea? Please vote below! 📊

💭 Have additional thoughts or suggestions? Feel free to share them in the comments!

1️⃣ Great idea! I'd be interested in supporting and using the hosted service.25 (44%)
2️⃣ Sounds good! I'll stick to self-hosting but support the initiative.29 (51%)
3️⃣ I think we should explore other ways to increase support.2 (4%)
4️⃣ I prefer Hollo to remain purely self-hosted.1 (2%)
Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

0.5.0이 릴리스되었습니다! 이번 업데이트는 여러분의 Hollo 사용 경험을 더욱 개선하는 다양한 변화를 담고 있습니다.

게시물의 공유 수와 좋아요 수를 더 정확하게 집계하도록 개선했습니다. 이제 각 게시물의 공유 수와 좋아요 수가 정확하게 유지되며, 다른 서버로 공유되었을 때도 이 수치가 올바르게 보존됩니다.

@yamanoku 님의 기여로 프로필 페이지가 크게 개선되었습니다:

  • 이전 게시물뿐 아니라 최신 게시물로도 이동할 수 있는 페이지네이션
  • 대체 텍스트를 활용한 이미지 접근성 개선
  • 화면 크기가 작아져도 커스텀 필드가 잘 표시되도록 수정

이 밖에도 시스템의 라이트·다크 모드에 따라 파비콘이 자동으로 전환되며, 새로운 ALLOW_HTML 환경 변수로 Markdown 안에 HTML 사용이 가능해졌습니다(보안을 위해 허용되는 HTML 요소는 제한됩니다).

또한 뮤트와 차단 목록을 위한 API 엔드포인트를 추가하여 Mastodon API 호환성을 강화했습니다.

S3를 사용하시는 분들은 이제 S3_REGION 환경 변수 설정이 필수가 되었으니 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.

0.5.0으로 업데이트하는 방법:

  • Docker 사용자: docker pull ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.5.0
  • 수동 설치 사용자: git pull origin stablepnpm install
  • Railway 사용자: Railway 대시보드에서 서비스 재배포

전체 변경 사항: https://github.com/fedify-dev/hollo/releases/tag/0.5.0.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post



@yamanoku さんの貢献により、プロフィールページが大幅に改善されました:

  • 新しい投稿へ移動できる逆方向のページネーション機能を追加
  • alt属性を活用した画像のアクセシビリティ向上
  • 画面サイズが小さくなってもカスタムフィールドが正しく表示されるように修正


また、ミュートとブロックリストのためのAPIエンドポイントを追加し、Mastodon APIとの互換性を強化しました。



  • Dockerをご利用の場合:docker pull ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.5.0
  • 手動インストールの場合:git pull origin stableの後pnpm installを実行
  • Railwayをご利用の場合:Railwayダッシュボードからサービスを再デプロイ


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post



@yamanoku さんの貢献により、プロフィールページが大幅に改善されました:

  • 新しい投稿へ移動できる逆方向のページネーション機能を追加
  • alt属性を活用した画像のアクセシビリティ向上
  • 画面サイズが小さくなってもカスタムフィールドが正しく表示されるように修正


また、ミュートとブロックリストのためのAPIエンドポイントを追加し、Mastodon APIとの互換性を強化しました。



  • Dockerをご利用の場合:docker pull ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.5.0
  • 手動インストールの場合:git pull origin stableの後pnpm installを実行
  • Railwayをご利用の場合:Railwayダッシュボードからサービスを再デプロイ


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post



@yamanoku さんの貢献により、プロフィールページが大幅に改善されました:

  • 新しい投稿へ移動できる逆方向のページネーション機能を追加
  • alt属性を活用した画像のアクセシビリティ向上
  • 画面サイズが小さくなってもカスタムフィールドが正しく表示されるように修正


また、ミュートとブロックリストのためのAPIエンドポイントを追加し、Mastodon APIとの互換性を強化しました。



  • Dockerをご利用の場合:docker pull ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.5.0
  • 手動インストールの場合:git pull origin stableの後pnpm installを実行
  • Railwayをご利用の場合:Railwayダッシュボードからサービスを再デプロイ


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

0.5.0이 릴리스되었습니다! 이번 업데이트는 여러분의 Hollo 사용 경험을 더욱 개선하는 다양한 변화를 담고 있습니다.

게시물의 공유 수와 좋아요 수를 더 정확하게 집계하도록 개선했습니다. 이제 각 게시물의 공유 수와 좋아요 수가 정확하게 유지되며, 다른 서버로 공유되었을 때도 이 수치가 올바르게 보존됩니다.

@yamanoku 님의 기여로 프로필 페이지가 크게 개선되었습니다:

  • 이전 게시물뿐 아니라 최신 게시물로도 이동할 수 있는 페이지네이션
  • 대체 텍스트를 활용한 이미지 접근성 개선
  • 화면 크기가 작아져도 커스텀 필드가 잘 표시되도록 수정

이 밖에도 시스템의 라이트·다크 모드에 따라 파비콘이 자동으로 전환되며, 새로운 ALLOW_HTML 환경 변수로 Markdown 안에 HTML 사용이 가능해졌습니다(보안을 위해 허용되는 HTML 요소는 제한됩니다).

또한 뮤트와 차단 목록을 위한 API 엔드포인트를 추가하여 Mastodon API 호환성을 강화했습니다.

S3를 사용하시는 분들은 이제 S3_REGION 환경 변수 설정이 필수가 되었으니 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.

0.5.0으로 업데이트하는 방법:

  • Docker 사용자: docker pull ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.5.0
  • 수동 설치 사용자: git pull origin stablepnpm install
  • Railway 사용자: Railway 대시보드에서 서비스 재배포

전체 변경 사항: https://github.com/fedify-dev/hollo/releases/tag/0.5.0.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

0.5.0 has been released! This update brings several improvements to make your Hollo experience even better.

We've enhanced the accuracy of sharing and liking counts, giving you a clearer picture of post engagement. Posts now maintain precise counts of shares and likes, which persist even when shared across different servers.

Thanks to contributions from @yamanoku, the profile page has received several enhancements:

  • You can now navigate to newer posts with backward pagination
  • Images are more accessible with improved alt text handling
  • Custom fields display better on smaller screens

The favicon now automatically adapts to your light/dark mode preference, and you can enable raw HTML in Markdown using the new ALLOW_HTML environment variable (with secure limitations on allowed HTML elements).

We've also expanded our Mastodon API compatibility by adding endpoints for muted and blocked accounts, making it easier to manage your social boundaries.

Important note for S3 users: The S3_REGION environment variable is now required when using S3 storage.

To update to 0.5.0:

  • Docker users: docker pull ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.5.0
  • Manual installation: git pull origin stable and pnpm install
  • Railway users: Redeploy your service from the Railway dashboard

Full changelog: https://github.com/fedify-dev/hollo/releases/tag/0.5.0.

Hollo There's avatar
Hollo There

@[email protected]

So far, Phanpy is my favorite Hollo client. Enafore gives me emoji reacts, so I find myself jumping back and forth.

Jeff Sikes's avatar
Jeff Sikes

@[email protected]

Had some fun today installing @hollo because you can never have enough fediverse accounts, right? I'm definitely not avoiding the real world with this distraction. 👀

Hollo is a single / low user platform for the fediverse. It runs on the @fedify framework and supports quote posts, markdown, and emoji reactions.

I went off the beaten path a bit and customized the composer file. Here's my notes on the install process.


Jeff Sikes's avatar
Jeff Sikes

@[email protected]

Had some fun today installing @hollo because you can never have enough fediverse accounts, right? I'm definitely not avoiding the real world with this distraction. 👀

Hollo is a single / low user platform for the fediverse. It runs on the @fedify framework and supports quote posts, markdown, and emoji reactions.

I went off the beaten path a bit and customized the composer file. Here's my notes on the install process.


Jeff Sikes's avatar
Jeff Sikes

@[email protected]

This has been on my weekend project list for a long while. Setup a @hollo instance in my homelab. NGINX Proxy Manager, Portainer, External Storage in the mix. Can’t wait to tinker around with it!


Jeff Sikes's avatar
Jeff Sikes

@[email protected]

Had some fun today installing @hollo because you can never have enough fediverse accounts, right? I'm definitely not avoiding the real world with this distraction. 👀

Hollo is a single / low user platform for the fediverse. It runs on the @fedify framework and supports quote posts, markdown, and emoji reactions.

I went off the beaten path a bit and customized the composer file. Here's my notes on the install process.


Jeff Sikes's avatar
Jeff Sikes

@[email protected]

This has been on my weekend project list for a long while. Setup a @hollo instance in my homelab. NGINX Proxy Manager, Portainer, External Storage in the mix. Can’t wait to tinker around with it!


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

supports 's full spec with Hollo's own extended syntax (mentions and hashtags).

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

You can get started with your own Hollo in just a few clicks with the official template for :


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

Introducing . Hollo is an -enabled single-user microblogging software. Although it's for a single user, it also supports creating and running multiple accounts for different topics.

It's headless, meaning you can use existing client apps instead, with its Mastodon-compatible APIs. It has most feature parity with Mastodon. Two big differences with Mastodon is that you can use in the content of your posts and you can quote another post.

Oh, and Hollo is built using and .
